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Saturday, 27 February 2016

Reward your kids #ShareTheLoad

I was a part of a mom's community and we all were discussing about how to make our kids learn to do their own work and be responsibile. It was because my grand kids used to leave their room untidy and not even keep their clothes at the right places. I started then noting few things that I wanted my grand kids to learn and there was an application shown to me by my daughter that used to reward kids by giivng them cash rewards for keeping their room clean. It was something innovative and with the help of that app, I too decided to do something similar so that my grand kids too take up this responsibility and contribute to the housework.

My daughter and I sat together and made a plan as follows:

Brief of the plan:

This plan helps moms to keep a track of the cleanliness of the house and motivate household members to take part regularly in the household chores especially children who often are in a hurry and do not pay attention to the cleanliness of their room and leave it untidy.

Kids will motivate to clean their room and as they will get special rewards which moms usually give kids on special occasions and the rewards are cost effective. The plan will encourage kids to share the responsibility and they will too find it a fun task to do. The task of moms to constantly monitor their kids room will reduce as the app takes this responsibility by checking the germ percentage in each area.

Areas that need to be cleaned:
 1. Bathroom (3 sections)
 2. Kids room (4 sections)
 3. Cupboards (6 sections)


 1. I first made a note of the areas and sections that need to be cleaned.
 2. Each area was assigned points (example: 100 points for the drawer, 200 points for the table, 500 points for astacking the clothes in order, 1000 points for keeping all the books and notes in the cupboard everyday after doing the homework and so on).
 3. If the kids earn a total of 5000 points in a week, the reward they earn is a pocket money of Rs. 50. If they earn 10,000 points, they get Rs. 100 and so on.
 4. There is a time limit as well for completing this task and everyday the cleaning task schedule is changed.
 5. On weekends, kids need to spend atleast 2 hours on this cleaning task.

When I made this timetable and explained my grandkids the same, they were excited to do this task and I was surprised to see the results. I made the same plan for my grand daughters and grand sons and never made boys to not do the housework or treat them in a special way as boys too need to share the load with the girls of the house. Ariel has already brought this change to effect and I support their campaign whole heartedly. If every house follows the above routine like I did, it will surely be a new change introduced in our society where there will be no gender prejudice.
  I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.

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